120S To Whittier
Here's another from this chase I didn't even remember making but in all fairness there were a lot of these runs down along the 'Arm' over the years.
Three GP40-2s in matching modern paint lead train 120S with another load of containers headed toward Whittier and a date with yet another Alaska Marine Lines barge up from Seattle.
This causeway adjacent the Seward Highway is popular photo spot at about MP 67 on the Alaska Railroad mainline. In just about four miles they'll reach CP F120 and the switch at the north leg of the wye for the CTC controlled Whittier Branch for the dozen mile run to the port town on Prince William Sound. Of that 12 miles more than 25% of that trip will be underground as they pass through nearly 3.5 miles of tunnels beneath the peaks and glaciers of the coastal mountains.
North of Portage, Alaska
Thursday March 3, 2016
Photo courtesy of Dave Blazejewski |